+46(0)768-77 98 35 | ulf@svenssonmaskin.se |

Slewing Houses

Replace your old slewing house, whatever make it is. Our slewing houses work with most cranes on the market.

The slewing house is the part subjected to the greatest stress on a forest crane. Our houses have high torque and are made of high-quality Swedish cast steel. They do not have any welded joints, making them particularly durable compared to simpler welded designs.

Why choose SM slewing houses?
• High quality steel.
• 90 mm cylinders make the crane stronger when slewing
• Fully assembled with pull rods to avoid leaking welds; the entire slewing house can be dismantled.
• Tried and tested construction after more than 30 years in the market.

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3 years warranty on the slewing system

Contact Us

Nävlinge 2358
288 93 Nävlinge

Källbogatan 1
289 47 Glimåkra

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